About River Valley Animal Rescue
Our shelter is always in need of the following items:
Donations may be dropped off at the shelter, Ceasar's Palace or at any of our events. |
River Valley Animal Rescue is a registered non-profit animal rescue and shelter located in Momence, Illinois.
Our Mission Our mission is to feed the hungry, heal the sick and provide shelter for all the homeless, abused, abandoned and neglected animals we can reach. On our journey, we will strive to end the population overgrowth of companion animals by spaying and neutering every animal that we can. Our Intake & Euthanasia Policies River Valley Animal Rescue is a "no kill" animal shelter. We will never euthanize one animal to put another in its place. Every animal that meets the definition of healthy or treatable (including those that can be rehabilitated and treatable) as defined by the Asilomar Accords is allowed to live at the shelter regardless of its length of stay. Because of our strict adherence to the Asilomar Accords, we are a limited admission facility. Surrendering Your Pet Individuals wishing to surrender a pet must call the shelter to see if we have space available. Please provide any available health records at time of surrender. A fee is collected at time of surrender. |